Barney is on the 11.50 train to London with his mum. It is 1940 and his house has been bombed. He only has a suitcase and some clothes left. A smart man comes onto the train just before it leaves and they are the only ones in the carriage.
After a while, a plane flies down towards the train. Barney thinks it’s a Spitfire but it is a German Messerschmitt 109. They get away from the window as the rattle of the machine guns start. The train is going faster and heading for a tunnel. When they get in the tunnel, the man tells Barney a true story about a man called Billy Byron who “had done the wrong thing and now he must do the right thing. He had to right the wrong he had done”.
I enjoyed this book and recommend it to ages 10+ as it is a sad book. I have also been learning about WWII at school so I enjoyed it even more.
Also, my brother and I were lucky to meet the author, Michael Morpurgo at the Cheltenham Literature Festival and we got some of our books signed!
I give this book 5/5!

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