Fortunately the Milk

30th July 2013
Fortunately the Milk Book Cover Fortunately the Milk
Neil Gaiman
Bloomsbury Childrens

The book is about a family and the mum goes away for work for a few days and the dad has to look after the children. When the mum had gone, dad asked the children why they weren’t eating their breakfast. The children replied, “No milk,” so dad went to the corner shop and bought some. The children got fed up waiting so they did things to pass the time (e.g. read and watch TV). On the way home dad saw a silver disc flying in the sky and that is when his adventure began!

In the story, he meets globby, green aliens, intergalactic police, Jungle Gods, pirates, Wumpires and a time travelling Stegosaurus.

But without the milk he would not have completed his journey …

My favourite character is Splod the God because he looks funny!

I recommend this book to 7+ who like adventure books. Also, I think the illustrations are supreme!

Don’t forget to have your mobile phones ready because if you scan in the QR code on page 41, you can listen and watch Neil Gailman reading a few pages of the story. This is awesome!

I give this book 100/100 stars


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