This Book is about a hamster {Harold} and a pig {Pigsticks}. THEY GO ON AN ADVENTURE TO THE END OF THE EARTH!
Pigsticks needs an assistant and he interviews the town but he doesn’t find his assistant. Then, a hamster comes along and gives him an exciting parcel with his adventure kit in it: a bow tie, kettle and flask, travel pillow, thermal underwear and a corked hat and other things for Pigsticks’ adventure. Pigsticks says that Harold should be his assistant!
They go on a long walk to the End of the Earth and they travel through hot bits of the country and snowy bits. Their village is the End of the Earth and they end up where they started!
I enjoyed the book because I like adventures. I love the colourful pictures in the book. I like Pigsticks and Harold because they are the main characters and they are funny.
I give it 100/100 and I recommend it to explorers aged 6+ and children who love reading!!!! J
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