There was a boy who was told not to go near the chalk pit (the dump) but it was a grey day where you couldn’t go anywhere and you couldn’t do anything but go to the chalk pit. So Barney went to play near the chalk pit. He was told not to go near it because at the edge of the chalk pit the ground crumbles when you stand on it and you fall.
Well, Barney did just that, fell, summersaulted, got tangled up in vines and landed in a pile of moss. He bumped his head so lots of silly things were going on in his brain. After a while he woke up and thought he had broken his arm, neck or leg. But he hadn’t, he had only got his legs tied up in vines. Then … he heard a voice! A loud deep voice coming from the cave. He was on the floor outside the cave. “Who’s there?” said Barney. A grunt came as a reply, followed by something that sounded like “Stig”. This is the start of their friendship!
Even though his grandma and sister don’t believe him about Stig, he still tries to convince them that he is real.
What is Stig?
If he is something from the past and can they get him back to his own time period?
Read the book and find out! 🙂
I enjoyed the “Extra, Extra Read About It” at the end of the book because it was interesting and full of facts.
I recommend the book to 8+ because it doesn’t have complicated words in it.
I give this ‘OLD’ book 10 stars – **********
If you like the book, youtube the TV series! Also, ask your mums and dads if they have seen the series or read Stig of the Dump. I bet they remember it! 🙂

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