The Other Alice

23rd June 2016
The Other Alice Book Cover The Other Alice
Michelle Harrison

Alice is a cursed writer and because of her curse, one day Alice goes missing. A mysterious cat appears from one of her stories but what is the cat doing here? Midge, Alice’s brother must find her and break a curse to stop characters from her books coming to life. On his journey to find Alice, Midge makes friends but when you make friends, you also make enemies!

Can Midge and his new friends save Alice before the villain ends their lives for good?

I really enjoyed this book because I always wanted to read on and find the answers to the riddles.

I recommend this book to 11+ because it is quite long and at times the story is quite dark and it leaves you on the edge of your seat.

When my book arrived, I was surprised to find a little gold envelope with it. When I opened it, there was a small handcrafted black cat; I didn’t know its significance until I read the story. I am going to use the cat to make a new bookmark!

I give this amazing book 5*.



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